the crazy world of architecture....the drama, the stories, the reality.

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passion of the architect is an online blog that allows architects and designers to share all the stories and drama that surrounds the design world. it is a forum where designers can post images, links, videos, etc. related to their design profession. so please contribute and comment. help keep the passion alive.

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Tuesday, July 25, 2006

you do the math

So I’m trying to schedule a meeting with the city tomorrow to meet with the same fire engineer and same building plan checker that’s been “aiding’ us with this one project to finally get a building permit.

I get a call from the contractor that the fire inspector, whom is a different person from the fire engineer at the city, wants us to go meet with her instead of him because she’s been on the jobsite and she knows the project and the issues. She says that if you would’ve met with her in the first place, you wouldn’t have to do half the sh*t the other fire guy is making you do.

We need to reschedule the meeting.

Booked tomorrow. Can’t go Friday. Next week.

Building OPENS in AUGUST.

You do the math.

Monday, July 24, 2006

too hot to work

You know it’s too hot to work when…

10. you drink a whole case of water bottles….on your own.
9. you begin to see layers that you’ve never seen before pop up and disappear on your computer screen when working on cad.
8. your computer is cooler than you.
7. the only ventilation in your office is your computer fan.
6. the building property manager schedules an appointment to fix the hvac next week rather than right now (probably because it’s too hot come out and work on the system).
5. sweat.
4. sweat in places you never knew you could sweat.
3. a simple thing like breathing becomes very difficult to do.
2. you feel lazy. okay okay. that’s all the time. i shouldn’t blame that on the heat.

And the number one reason you know it’s too hot to work is…..

1. the man brings in a personal desk fan for himself and only him and nothing for the rest of the office. nice.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

never ending project

so way back in april i went to submit drawings to the city for a building permit. thankfully, we got it. then we got some tenant changes and had to resubmit the drawings again per these changes.

of course being the city, they had to re-check everything they looked at and permitted before, in detail, rather than just paying attention to the clouded areas that pointed out where specific changes were made.

as a result, they pointed out discrepancies in the drawings, particularly the mechanical, thus having us make more changes.

it is now july. we have yet still to go back to the city to resubmit these tenant changes.

we were gonna go submit on july 5, but i was out on vacation. then when i got back the following week, the plan checker who we needed to meet with was out on vacation. so that plan checker is back this week and we're ready to go resubmit, so i call the city and find out the fire engineer we need to meet is out on vacation till next week.

the building opens in august.

Monday, July 17, 2006

summer office

so it's the summer.

i remember back in the days when i would get summers off. i wonder why that had to stop all of a sudden.

i mean i don't understand why we can't just work all hard during the fall, winter, and spring and get summers off. if you think about it, work is like education. the only difference is, we're paid to learn.

and we gotta show up everyday or else we get kicked out and then we'll be living on the streets begging for money and food and shelter and all that stuff, well, maybe not shelter because we're architects and if we had to live on the streets and i'm sure the corbu or mies or wright would come out in us and we could probably think of something cool to do with cardboards and trash bags and stuff and it'll probably look pretty good, but not functional at all but who cares it'll be the coolest cardboard/ trash bag shelter anyone has ever seen and maybe be featured in dwell or arch mag or may even wallpaper mag and then i'll be famous for that and then i wouldn't have to live in the streets anymore and then i'll have my niche designing shelter using only cardboard and trash bags to become gehry rich and famous and get my own movie and tiffany line of jewelry and stuff like that.

yeah, i love the summer.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

back from vacation

after a nice week long off during the 4th of july holiday, it sure is great to be back in the office!

i miss all the drama, the suspense, the joy of architecture.

i mean sure, my parents were in town, and that did provide some drama and joy over the past week.

but nothing beats sitting at your desk for 8 hours long, staring at your computer monitor with the ever so mind numbling infamous autocad black screen with drawing lines of many different colors that you never knew existed, zooming in and out and in and out and esc. esc. esc. and esc. esc. esc. all day long.......all day long.


you ever notice that during the first days back to work after vacation seems to take forever to end?


it's great to be back.